Parent Training​
Parent training is such an important part of speech therapy. It helps parents to understand their child's speech goals and provides them with tools to manage their speech therapy at home. Parent training also helps to build a positive relationship between the parent and the speech therapist, which is extremely beneficial for the child's progress. Parent-trained children have been shown to make greater progress in speech therapy, and they are more likely to continue to make progress after they leave speech therapy. It actually reduces the cost of speech therapy when parents are trained in the successful techniques for their child and do them at home on a regular basis. For these reasons, parent training is an essential part of speech therapy.
If you are ready to start speech therapy with parent training, Chit Chat Speech Therapy can help. We offer speech therapy parent training services in the Twin Cities metro area that can make a world of difference. Let's take a closer look at what parent training is and how you and your child can benefit. Call or text 763-280-3202 or email info@chitchatmn.com or fill out our contact form.

What is parent training?
Parent training is when the therapist teaches the parents how and when to use the techniques and cues that work best for their individual child. At Chit Chat Speech Therapy, we love teaching parents how to get involved with their child's speech therapy progress. Not only are you a part of the session, but we'll teach you why, how, and when to use a specific strategy with the child. Then when you do this throughout the rest of the week, your child is continually making progress when the therapist isn't there!
What are the benefits of parent training?
The benefits are endless: you get to be involved with therapy, you get to watch your child learn and grow, and you get to be a huge part of the learning and growing, all while they are having fun! Another great benefit of parent training is the money you will save. Most children who have parents involved in therapy and practicing outside of the speech therapy time session make much faster progress, therefore saving parents money! Chit Chat speech therapy serves the Twin Cities metro area and we believe therapy should be fun and motivating, so we do everything we can to make sure your child is having a great time while learning new skills!
How does parent training work?
At many speech therapy clinics, parents are not allowed in the sessions and only get a brief explanation of what was worked on and how the child performed. This leaves the parents not knowing what or how to work with their child at home, and often therapy takes much longer and costs much more overall. At Chit Chat Speech Therapy, you as parents can be involved in the session. Our therapists will explain why they are using certain techniques and show you how you can use the same techniques. When we find a cue or strategy that works really well for your child, we will teach you how to do it and let you take the lead while coaching you on what to do. This helps you as a parent learn specific techniques that work for your child.
Contact a Speech Therapist for Parent Training in Minnesota
You want the best for your child, and you've been told that speech therapy might be a good idea, but you're not sure where to start, or what the next step should be. Chit Chat Speech Therapy can help! We provide speech therapy services for children of all ages in a fun and supportive environment in your own home. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your child reach their full potential. Call or text us at 763-280-3202, email us at info@chitchatmn.com, or fill out our contact form.