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There are many different types of articulation disorders, ranging from mild sound distortions to the complete inability to produce certain sounds. Early intervention is important for children with articulation disorders, as they can often be helped by speech therapy.


If your child is struggling to be understood, Chit Chat Speech Therapy can help. We offer speech therapy services in the Twin Cities metro area for articulation that can make a world of difference. Let's take a closer look at what articulation is and how our speech therapy services can help. Call or text 763-280-3202 or email or fill out our contact form.






















Speech Therapy

What is Articulation?

Articulation is the production of speech sounds, essentially, it is how we say certain sounds. When a child has difficulty with articulation, it can make it hard for others to understand what he or she is saying. Articulation difficulties are common among young children, and usually, improve as the child gets older and his or her speech skills develop. However, some children continue to have trouble with articulation into adolescence and adulthood.


There are many reasons why it’s important for children to develop clear articulation skills early on. First, clear speech can help children to be better understood by others. It can also improve social skills and self-confidence. Additionally, good articulation skills are linked to better reading and writing abilities.


When do children learn to say sounds?

Speech sound production, or articulation, has been studied for quite some time in the area of speech therapy. The following graphic shows you which age 90% of children have mastered the sound listed in the number. The number represents the age an English-only speaking child has mastered the sounds listed. If a child speaks multiple languages, they may learn sounds at different ages, but usually, it is about the same age. 

Speech Sound Acquisition

How do I know if my child needs speech therapy?

When your child is learning to speak, you may notice that they have difficulty articulating certain sounds. This is common among young children and typically happens as they are learning how to produce the various sounds of language. An early indication that you may want to look into speech therapy would be if you find yourself or others asking your child "What did you say?" or "Say that again?" more frequently than other children their age. If your child is 2-3 years old and no one is understanding them, you may want to talk with a speech therapist.  Additionally, if your child continues to have difficulty producing certain sounds after they have started school, it may be indicative of a more serious problem. A speech/language pathologist can evaluate children as young as 2 for an articulation disorder and provide guidance on how to best support their development. In some cases, speech therapy may be recommended in order to help your child learn to produce the correct sounds. With early intervention, most children are able to make significant progress in their articulation skills.


What if my child says R as W?

R is one of the hardest sounds to say and W is the most common substitution for this sound. 90% of children can correctly say the R sound by the age of 6. If your child is continuing to struggle to produce the R sound correctly, it would be a good idea to discuss this with a speech therapist. 


What if my child can't say the S sound?

The S sound is also a common sound on which children have errors. Some children have a "lisp" where they say the S sound as a TH sound (or have their tongue between their front teeth). Some young children "stop" the S sound by substituting a T or D. 90% of children are correctly producing the S sound by the age of 7.  Sometimes the S sound is an error because of orthodontic needs but should be addressed by a speech therapist to determine if therapy is necessary. ​


How long does speech therapy take?

There is no set time limit on how long speech therapy is needed. It all depends on the child's errors, stimulability (if they can produce the sound at all), and motivation in therapy. Speech therapy always has more progress the more the family is involved and is working with the child when the therapist is not present and when the child is motivated to correct their speech. That's why Chit Chat Speech Therapy does parent training, so YOU can learn how to help your child too! ​


Contact an Articulation Speech Therapist in Minnesota

You want the best for your child, and you've been told that speech therapy might be a good idea, but you're not sure where to start, or what the next step should be. Chit Chat Speech Therapy can help! We provide speech therapy services for children of all ages in a fun and supportive environment in your own home. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your child reach their full potential. Call or text us at 763-280-3202, email us at, or fill out our contact form.

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