Chit Chat Speech Therapy
Helping children find their voice
In-Home Speech Therapy in the following Minnesota Twin Cities Metro locations:
Blaine, Shoreview, Roseville, White Bear Lake, Brooklyn Center, Maple Grove, St. Paul, Minneapolis, & all surrounding areas!
What We Do
Articulation is the production of speech sounds, essentially, it is how we say certain sounds. When a child has difficulty with articulation, it can make it hard for others to understand what he or she is saying. This is frequently what is thought of when someone thinks of speech therapy.
Early Language Delay
Early Language Delay is a delay of early language skills. Oftentimes, common signs of an early language delay are a child age 2 who does not have a vocabulary of 50 words, is not putting 2 words together to form a sentence, is not responding to their name or simple directions. Speech therapy can be very effective for an early language delay.
Receptive Langauge
Receptive Language is essentially what we understand. Things like following directions, understanding what we are reading, understanding a conversation, jokes, or even movies. If a child has difficulty with receptive language, they often don't complete tasks correctly, have difficulty staying on topic, and can have difficulty answering questions. Let's see how speech therapy can help.
Expressive Language
Expressive Language is what we express! The vocabulary we use, how many words we use in a sentence, the sequence of how we describe things, our grammar, and much more. If your child might be struggling with expressive language skills, let's see how speech therapy can help!
AAC-or Augmentative/Alternative Communication is any sort of communication that does not involve the person using natural speech. This can be using a device to speak, using sign language, using paper symbols to communicate, or any combination. Let's read more on what AAC is and how a speech therapist can help!
Fluency (Stuttering)​
Fluency disorders (also known as stuttering) are really just interruptions in the fluent flow of speech. These can be stereotypical stutters we have heard before or less obvious types. Read more below to find out how speech therapists can be involved in treating fluency disorders.
Parent Training​
That's right, we train YOU on how to use the same skills we are using with your child. This way your child makes progress significantly faster and YOU get to be involved in that process! Don't worry, we make therapy fun for everyone so you and your child will forget you're working and you'll think you two are just playing together!
We've worked in both the educational system and the private sector so we know many of the ins and outs of qualification.If you feel confused or overwhelmed with due process or the wording any system puts in reports, we can help!
Not within our in-person service area but love what you see with Chit Chat Speech Therapy? We can do teletherapy! You can stay in the comfort of your own home and observe the virtual speech therapy session! Click below to learn more about how teletherapy speech therapy service work!